Photomer 4035 - classification change

Photomer 4035 - Classification change

According to the latest information received by the EU REACH lead registrant of PEA (2-Phenoxyethyl acrylate) substance CAS-no. 51728-26-8 (Photomer 4035), the classification of this substance will not change due to the presence of the 2-Phenoxy ethanol, that was recently reclassified (ATP 17) with H318 Eye Dam.1 in Europe.

Photomer 4035 will not be reclassified because there are product studies, adressing this specific endpoint, that show there is no need to classify PEA further.

As a consequence iGM Resins have updated EU SDS and CLP labelling by removing H318 classification (previously applied) to align with LR/Joint registration Reach dossier.

Updated Safety Data Sheet is available right now on our website. Click here to access to the SDS.

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